Now in its seventh year of publication, TransplantNATION magazine continues to provide not only news and information to the transplant community, but also hope and inspiration.
The 68-page magazine is published six times a year and includes human interest features relating incredible stories of sacrifice; donors whose gift gave others a chance for a healthy new beginning, as well as recipients, anxious to show their donor families what their gift means to them. Chronicling stories of courage and tenacity that bring the realities of donation and transplantation to the forefront of a burgeoning medical field, TranpslantNATION educates on topics concerning transplant health, fitness, medicines, technology, and policy. It helps inform readers of news and happenings across the nation and keeps them connected between the biennial Transplant Games of America.
With almost 30,000 organ transplants, 50,000 corneal transplants and hundreds of thousands of tissue transplants every year, our potential audience grows exponentially. TransplantNATION is a catalyst for improving the lines of communication, a vehicle for introducing new approaches to life, and a special place to spotlight the miracle of donation and transplantation.
Subscribe to TransplantNATION today and help Transplant Life Foundation focus awareness on the amazing medical advances of transplantation and highlight the critical need for organs and growing the state and national donor registries.
1 Year Subscription (6 issues) - $36.00
2 Year Subscription (12 issues) - $60.00
3 Year Subscription (18 issues) - $75.00
1 Year Subscription (6 issues) - $43.00
2 Year Subscription (12 issues) - $74.00
3 Year Subscription (18 issues) - $96.00
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If you would like to subscribe to TransplantNATION please visit www.transplantnation.org